Arabistanlı Lawrence

Arabistanlı Lawrence (1962-12-11)

Macera | Tarih | Savaş |

  • Status: Released
  • Runtime: 227m
  • Popularity: 123.963
  • Language: en
  • Budget: $15,000,000
  • Revenue: $69,995,385
  • Vote Average: 8
  • Vote Count: 2868

  • Peter McGinn

    This is obviously an epic film, lasting nearly four hours with the wide, sweeping desert vistas and huge cast. It describes a fairly brief period of time out of a remarkable man’s life. I wonder how modern viewers handle the length of the movie, accustomed as they are to movies this lengthy featuring superheroes with humor and almost constant action. I don’t even remember how long ago I originally watched Lawrence of Arabia —quite possibly forty or more years ago. It has aged pretty well overall. The only negative thing that struck me when I recently re-watched it may well be due to my age. But it can be a talkative film at times, which is fine, but they sometimes talk fairly softly, and if such a scene transitions to music, I found the music to be so loud in comparison that it lifted me half of my chair. I had to have remote in hand to be ready to adjust the volume. A minor thing.